How to identify if my child needs psychological help.

Have you ever felt that your child might need psychological help ? What signs have led you to deduce that? It is normal for people to change during their life. Evolutionary psychology is the one in charge of studying these changes in the human being. Definitely one of the most fragile stages is childhood. During childhood there are situations such as the development of the first bonds, changes in the body, search for identity, etc. What makes the child is in a sensitive and vulnerable moment. In addition to being in full development.

This type of psychology is only a specialization within the same field. The behavior of children is studied, from birth to adolescence.Also, child and adolescent psychologists cover the time from childhood to youth.

Child psychology is a branch of general psychology that focuses on the evolution of aspects of the child. For example, motor, physical, cognitive, sensory, perceptual, social and affective level.

The therapist performs the evaluation, diagnosis, and later, the treatment. Analyzing the irregularities in the mental development of the minor. The child therapist works a lot with the child’s school and parents.

Now how exactly do I know if my child needs psychological help? How can we deduce that?

There are at least 5 signs that the child may need psychological help:

  • The child’s difficulties interfere with daily functioning.
    If the problem that the minor is going through, be it a period of disruptive behavior, sadness or apathy, and these interfere with their daily functioning, that is, they affect some area in their life, then it is important that the idea of ​​asking for psychological help.

    Generally, this would be the key point that would make us think that our child may need help.
  • Abnormal behaviors occur.
    What does it mean? An anomalous behavior is the behavioral expression that is far from the generality. I mean, the one that doesn’t happen to most children. In addition, they cause suffering to themselves or to their environment. Within the anomalous behavior, 4 parameters are presented:

    1. The intensity of the behavior.
    2. How often it appears.
    3. The duration over time.
    4. The number of symptoms is different.

Therefore, if you see that your child has any type of abnormal behavior, it is important that you seek professional help.

  • Changes in emotions or behaviors.
    A very noticeable change in your child’s emotions or behavior is a red flag that leads us to consider asking for psychological help.

    For example, having increased anxiety, irritability, sadness, agitation and / or restlessness. Especially when we cannot determine the origin of the change.

  • Adaptation difficulties are manifested.
    Adaptation difficulties can be a red flag to ask for psychological help. These difficulties can occur in any area of ​​life.

    In this case, it also talks about the separation of parents, a move, the death of a loved one or the arrival of a brother. If your child has persistent difficulties understanding this new reality or tolerating sudden mood swings, irritability, it may be time to consider getting professional help.

  • He verbalizes that he needs help.
    We could ask our son if he wants to talk to someone other than us and he answers yes, then it is time to evaluate options and provide him with help that he asks indirectly.

When working with infants, it is important to pay attention to a number of considerations that are not necessarily relevant in the approach to adult patients.

  1. Therapies must be in relation to demand, that is, the reason for the consultation.
  2. The evolutionary influence on the origin of the disorder or problem must be taken into account.
  3. Parents and other adults significant to the child will be involved at various levels during treatment.

How is it that a child ends up developing a pathology ?

The truth; of many factors. Although we can at least break down the general risk and protective factors.

And it is that research in child psychology has been able to identify a series of factors related to the child, his family environment and community, which are associated with a risk of developing a childhood pathology or problems that require psychological medical attention.

Risk factors for psychological help

  • Frequent and acute stressful situations.
  • Deficit in the care received.
  • Death of a close or loved family member.
  • Not having stability in your home.
  • Decomposition of the family structure.

Protection factors for psychological help

  • Easy temperament.
  • High academic achievements.
  • Efficient communication.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Positive self esteem.
  • High self-efficacy.
  • Positive relationship with adults.
  • Positive education.
  • Religious beliefs.

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